Saturday, March 15, 2014

First Impressions

As day one of my Venetian adventure draws to a close, I am completely in awe. My jet-lagged brain cannot comprehend that I am actually here! Not only did I arrive in Venice less than 12 hours ago, but I also experienced quite a bit of the city today. I walked so much my heels ache, but I got to see parts of Venice that are basically untouched by tourists. 
Beautifully colored Venetian buildings surrounded by trees and green space - who knew?
These were gorgeous and surprising sights: who knew there were so many trees on the island, and who knew there were large green parks where families could spend time together, chatting at tables or playing a nice game of soccer? All the pictures and articles I have seen only mention the touristy areas and buildings, most especially those in Piazza San Marco. Yes, I admit that I was overwhelmed when I saw Piazza San Marco in person, but I was absolutely speechless when I saw beautiful buildings and corridors in other, lesser-known areas of the city. 
I'm amazed by buildings like this - the shutters match the water, and even the drying laundry is picturesque!
I could not have guessed that these other sights would affect me more than the ones I had seen online before my travels. My Internet research could not possibly have prepared me for the amazing things I saw today. I have come to the conclusion that I was right: Venice already has surpassed my expectations! I can’t wait to see what the rest of the week brings, though I am sure that Venice will continue to surprise and amaze me.

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